In this codelab, you'll create a game similar to Whack-a-Mole!

What you'll learn

From the Projects drop down menu, click Start a new project.

Create a new project called MoleMash (no spaces).

Set the screen's Title to "MoleMash".

Download this picture of a mole and upload it in the Media panel.

You should be familiar with adding various components in the Designer View. Add the following to your app:

Your app should look something like this:

In order to make the mole jump periodically, you'll need a timer. Add a Clock component and name it "MoleTimer"; this component will go into the non-visible components area. Set the TimeInterval property to 500 milliseconds, and make sure that TimerEnabled is checked.

To add the moving mole, we'll use a sprite. Sprites are images that can move on the screen within a Canvas. For MoleMash, you'll be setting the mole's position each time the timer fires.

From the Drawing and Animation drawer, drag an ImageSprite into your workspace, within the area of MyCanvas. Name this component "Mole", and set these properties for your sprite:

Your user interface should look something like this:

Now it's time to add functionality to your app. To do that, we're going to need a new type of block: procedures.

MoleMash requires 2 procedures. Go to Blocks View. Find the Procedures drawer under Built-In, and drag out a to procedure block. Change the label "procedure" to "MoveMole".

MoveMole is a procedure that moves the Mole sprite to a new random position on the Canvas. To do this, you will set the Mole's x and y positions to be a random fraction, between 0 and 1, of the difference between the size of the canvas and the size of the mole.

This is what the complete MoveMole procedure should look like:

First, from the Mole drawer, drag a set Mole.X to block into the procedure.

From the Math drawer, drag a multiplication block into the set Mole.X to block.

From the Math drawer, drag a random fraction block into the first multiplication plug.

From the Math drawer, drag a subtraction block into the second multiplication plug.

From the MyCanvas drawer, drag a MyCanvas.Width block into the first subtraction plug.

From the Mole drawer, drag a Mole.Width block into the second subtraction plug.


  1. Finish the MoveMole procedure by adding blocks to change the position of the Mole's y position.

Our second prodecure will update the score of the game.

First, we need a variable to keep track of the score. Define a global variable named "score", and set the initial value to 0. This is what your block should look like:

Next, define a procedure named "UpdateScore". This procedure will change the text of the the label ScoreLabel to show the score of the game.


  1. Implement the UpdateScore procedure, which should make the ScoreLabel show the game score. The following blocks might be helpful:

The next step is to keep the mole moving. Every time MoleTimer goes off, the procedure MoveMole is called, which moves the Mole to a new, random position.

From the MoleTimer drawer, drag out a when MoleTimer.Timer block, and from the Procedures drawer, drag a call MoveMole block into the when MoleTimer.Timer block.

The player's score should go up by 1 every time the player successfully whacks the mole. Sprites, like canvases, respond to touch events.


  1. Code your app so that every time the Mole is touched, your program will:
    1. Increment the score
    2. Call the UpdateScore prodecure to show the new score
    3. Make the phone vibrate for 100 milliseconds
    4. Call the MoveMole procedure so the mole moves right away

    The following blocks might be helpful:

The last thing we need to do is reset the score every time the Reset button is pressed.

From the ResetButton drawer, drag a when ResetButton.Click block into the workspace. Place a set global score to block inside, and set the global score to 0. Next, update the score label by placing a call UpdateScore block after the set global score to block.

Your complete MoleMash program should look like this:

You have made your first game using App Inventor.

What we've covered

If you finish early, implement one or more of the following features for a bonus checkoff.