In this codelab, you'll learn how to make your first app! This app can talk to you with the click of a button.

What you'll learn

Go to and click the orange Create Apps button.

Log in with your Google account. Click Continue when the App Inventor announcements pop up.

From the Projects drop down menu, click Start a new project.

Create a new project called TalkToMe (no spaces).

There are two main views that you will use to build your app: Designer View and Blocks View.

For this step, make sure you are looking at the Designer View.

In the Palette section, under the User Interface drawer, drag a Button component onto the viewer.

Next, in the Media drawer, drag a TextToSpeech component onto the viewer.

Notice, it appears in the Non-visible components section under the viewer.


  1. Change the text of the Button to say "Talk To Me".
  2. Hint: Use the Properties section of the Button component.

At the top of the App Inventor website, find Connect, and select AI Companion from the drop down menu.

Open the AI2 Companion App on your phone.

Select scan QR code and use your phone to scan the code that appears on your computer. Click connect with code.

As a reminder, there are two main views used to build your apps: Designer View and Blocks View.

Click on Blocks.


  1. In Blocks View, open the Button drawer and drag the when Button1.Click block into the workspace.
  2. There are many ways in which users can interact with your app. These actions are often called events. Event Handlers allow us to run code in response to specific events. For example, the when Button.Click block is an Event Handler that causes something to happen every time a user clicks the button.

  3. Open the TextToSpeech drawer and place the call TextToSpeech1.Speak block into the when Button1.Click Event Handler.
  4. Next, open the Text drawer and drag a text block into the message socket. Click the Text block and type "Congratulations! You've made your first app."

You have made your first app using App Inventor.

What we've covered

If you finish early, implement one or more of the following features for a bonus checkoff.