In this codelab, you'll learn how to make a pictionary-like game.
What you'll learn
- Use pen blocks to draw on the canvas.
- Use variables to store information.
- Use ask blocks to get user input.
- Review conditional (if/else) blocks.
Open the
starter project
and click Remix.
First, let's program the pencil to draw.
Program the pencil to follow the mousepointer.
Make the pencil draw.
Clear the canvas when the green flag is clicked.
You may have noticed that the pencil draws whenever it moves. Let's
make the game more user-friendly by only drawing when the mouse is
held down.
If the mouse button is pressed, make the pencil draw.
If the mouse button is not pressed, make the pencil stop drawing.
Now, we want to ask Player 1 what she will draw. We are going to use a
variable to store the correct answer.
When the green flag is clicked, make the monkey ask "What will you
Create a variable called
Right Answer
Save the user's
using the
Right Answer
Make the monkey send a confirmation message.
We want Player 2 to guess what Player 1 drew. If Player 2 guesses
correctly, show a victory message!
When the monkey is clicked, make it ask "What do you think the
drawing is?"
If the answer is correct, show a victory message. If the answer is
wrong, show a Try Again message.
You have made a pictionary game on Scratch.
What we've covered
- Use pen blocks to draw on the canvas.
- Use variables to store information.
- Use ask blocks to get user input.
- Review conditional (if/else) blocks.
If you finish early, implement one or more of the following features for
a bonus checkoff.